Yancey Wire & Cable is the fastest wire STRIPER in the electrical business!
We custom stripe all guages of insulated electrical wire in house at the World Headquarter facility in Fairburn Ga . Yancey Wire & Cable stripes #22 through large feeder size wire like #4/0 for all type of jobs including, commercial and industrial jobs.
Yancey Wire & cable stripes thousands and thousand of feet of write for government and schools construction jobs. We support the electrical distributor in these projects. These projects use lots of isolated grounds. Most common are #12 solid THHN white with red stripe, white with blue stripe and white with black stripe. AS well as gray with brown stripe, orange stripe and yellow stripe. Depending on the voltage and the application.
Yancey Wire & Cable “spiral” stripes our wire! Some people say it looks like a candy cane or candy cane stripe. This is 90% of the wire we stripe. This stripe takes a special manufacturing process. This process produces the most visible stripe wire especially compared to longitudinal extruded striped wire, which can be hard to visually see.
Wire striping process go like this - the insulated electrical wire is first preheated then run through our specifically designed machine which houses 3 metal paint wheels each with it’s unique diameters in order to apply different sizes/thicknesses of stripes.
By the way, Yancey can stripe ANY color stripe by using specially formulated pigments that will not rub off.
After the insulated electrical wire is preheated it goes though the next step into the ink well pots.
As the wire rolls against the specially designed wheels the ink is applied and then run vertically through a drying tower which is heated to immediately dry the wire. The wire the returns downs to a three size capsons. The capson is designed with three sizes allowing the stripe on the wire to be more stripe per foot or less stripes per foot to be variation of length of the actual stripe.
All of the striping is completed by the same wire with an added STRIPE to the wire without compromising the integrity of the wire.
SO if you want some stripe wire call Yancey today at 877-926-2399